ETC Maryland would like to announce 4 significant enhancements to its web hosting product.

ETC Maryland is moving to become the premier WordPress hosting company in Frederick County, Maryland.  From competitive pricing, servers with low loads for fast performance, nearby data center with physical access, and superior local service, ETC Maryland gives the following to clients that host WordPress sites with ETC Maryland:

  1. A free copy of the Customizr Pro WordPress Theme.
  2. Free installation of the WordFence Security Plugin.
  3. Free SSL certificates via Let’s Encrypt
  4. 40 Gigabytes Data Transfer per Month

These enhancements mean you will spend more time actually using your WordPress site than managing it. With https now being the default, having to pay for a basic https site is longer necessary.  You can now run your site from day one in secured https mode.  The Customizr pro theme gives you instant mobile compatibility that is now a pre-requisite for being listed on Google.  WordFence is the best balance between ultimate WordPress Security and usability.  It gives you the ability to prevent outsiders from breaking into your site via the login page, the password recovery page, and other areas of your WordPress site.  The final added benefit is the data transfer allotment is now 40 gigabytes of data per month.  Currently the average transfer for hosting clients is about 5 Gigabytes per month.  All ETC Maryland clients that have WordPress sites hosted at ETC Maryland will have their accounts upgraded to the new Enhanced WordPress Hosting configuration within the next 48 hours.

ETC Maryland has very competitive rates for web hosting along with superior local service and support.  The data center for the ETC Maryland web hosting is located in nearby Berkley Springs, West Virginia so issues are dealt with quickly if the need every arises.

If you have any questions about ETC Maryland enhanced WordPress hosting please use the contact form to reach us or you can call 301-524-5271.

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