Ransomware is now making it into mainstream television.  Chicago Med(Season 2 Episode 19) has an episode where they get hit with ransomware.  Unlike Hollywood though most folks who pay loose not only their money but also their data.  I have never been an advocate of having pay the ransom as any line of defense.  Being ransomware resistant is not as difficult or as expensive as trying to recover your data from ransomware criminals.  The big question remains, How do i become ransomware resistant?  First,  you need to have a plan for staying malware free.  Second, you need to have ransomware resistant backups not only for your business data but for your website as well.  third, if you have proper backups, and disaster recovery procedures, you will not have to chance paying a ransom.  If you have no other option it is basically a coin toss if you get your data back or not.

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