ETC Maryland has been offering free SSL certificates for nearly two years now.  ETC Maryland saw quickly the need to moving to SSL as Google was already informing SEO partners of their intentions to add SSL as a major ranking signal.  ETC Maryland is determined to offer industry standard features, along with competitive cost with a focus on data security for all web hosting clients.  SSL means all traffic between your computer and your website is securely encrypted.  ETC Maryland provides this to all web hosting clients from the standard hosting all the way up to our fully managed web hosting.

The second question is:

How much are you going to pay for the free SSL?

That varies widely by provider as noted by the Sophos Naked Security blog.  What is interesting is some charge for basic SSL, some bury it within confusing terms, and one doesn’t offer it as a free option at all.  ETC Maryland is very straightforward.  You pay nothing extra for basic SSL.  SSL costs me literally nothing to provide and with Let’s Encrypt providing this service for free I see it as a value add for my clients not as a profit center.  The costs for hosting at ETC Maryland are listed on my rates page.  For a quick summary Standard hosting is $85 per year,  Enhanced WordPress Hosting is $120 a year, and Fully Manged Webhosting is $220 per year.  Compare that with the pricing listed in the linked article above along with the other features I offer.  You do not have to overspend to get proper web hosting for your site.  Contact ETC Maryland for more information.

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