Many businesses think their website is just a piece of advertising.  However a website needs to be maintained in terms of updates from a security standpoint.  If your site gets compromised there are tangible detrimental consequences for your business.  Many webhosts give you just some space and send you along your merry way.  If your site gets compromised their extend of fixes is to shutdown your site until you fix things.  While there are many other webhosts out there with security addons there are few that focus on site security and data backups from the beginning.

Wordfence gives some figures on some of the hidden costs of a site compromise. ETC Maryland gives extra security to all clients in terms of free SSL, encrypted FTP access to your site, and backups that run nightly and get stored in three different locations, none of which are on your local webserver(unlike many other hosts).  Depending on your hosting plan, you can also receive dedicated site cleanup time and active monitoring of your WordPress based site.  Details are on our rates page.

ETC Maryland can offer all of this at a competitive price.  Many webhosts use terms like “unlimited bandwidth” and “unlimited storage”.  Read the terms of service VERY closely.  There’s a reason they offer $2 hosting.  If you are looking for a competitive price with data security as the primary goal without gimmicks or hidden terms then contact ETC Maryland.


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