If you read my earlier carbonite post it started because i had my server decide it would corrupt itself.  I did not catch it for a copule of days which meant my backup had corrupted OS files on it.  It turns out you can only restore the entire volume, disk, or server.  How idiotic.  So this means if your server craps out your only option is to restore the crapped out operating system files.  Since carbonite is useless in terms of restore what good is that backup?

After many hours of googling I think i found a solution:  The backup files are stored in MS virtual mahcine format.  I am going to try to manually extract the files i need after i reload SBS from scratch, manually rebuilt it…and then load up virtualserver 2005 and try to mount that drive.  I got this idea from David Moisan’s Blog.  Once i get the machine running again i’ll give this a wirl and let everyone know.

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