The blame here is not online banking but the operating system(Windows) faulty design and the users lack of proper security education.  ANY business no matter how small needs to have a security audit done:

1. To make sure your machines aren’t infected

2. To get educated on how windows computers are vulnerable by design

3.  To learn how to protect yourself from online fraud and other threats

4.  To ensure proper recovery and mitigation procedures are in place BEFORE this kind of damage takes place

As the economy sputters along more and more single person, home-based businesses are going to have this happen.  It’s all too easy for a machine to get infected and with this new generation of malware once you are infected…it’s too late to recover.  Listen to my podcast for more information.

McCarthy said she never would have done online banking for her business if she had understood how precarious it was for her business.

via N.Y. Firm Faces Bankruptcy from $164,000 E-Banking Loss — Krebs on Security.

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