Want to see those ink cartridges really disappear?  Buy one of these printers.  They’ll find your router..hook to the internet and then get “targeted” advertising sent to the printer which it will then print out.

HP’s ePrint printers, some of which will become available next month, are connected to the user’s home router, which means they will have an IP address. IP addresses can be used to identify an approximate area where the Web-connected device is located, opening the potential for targeted advertisements based on location.Ads can also be targeted based on a user’s behavior as well as the content, said Vyomesh Joshi, head of the HP’s Imaging and Printing Group. So if you visit a porn site we guess your printer will start spewing out hard copies for all to see.HP admits there needs to be rules on privacy. However there also needs to be rules for who pays for its expensive printer ink as it prints out adverts I don’t want on a printer I paid for. It is hard to see any company or individual going for this and we think that HP really needs its head examined.

via HP to turn your printer into an advertising machine – And you will pay for the expensive ink | TechEye.

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