If you want to protect your businesses name then don’t use Facebook since they are now going to post ads using your company’s name and posts in ads to others.  I can see possible trademark and copyright infringement here.

Better go check your Facebook profile pic to make sure its suitable for advertising—the company has begun using real users postings in ads being shown to their friends. The effort is eerily similar to parts of the now-defunct Facebook Beacon, but Facebook is now calling them “sponsored stories,” and users wont be able to opt out of their posts being used to advertise to friends.The new “feature” started showing up quietly on Wednesday morning without any kind of fanfare from Facebook, but users began to notice it right away. Things posted by their friends; check-ins at businesses and “Likes” clicked from other websites started being highlighted in the right-hand column with the other ads, under the headline of “Sponsored Story.”Facebook says that the new ads are an effort to help marketers take advantage of what people are saying about them online. “Currently, marketers dont have the ability to know or plan word-of-mouth endorsements as part of their campaigns,” Facebooks product marketing lead Jim Squires told the Wall Street Journal. “This gives a way for marketers to increase the visibility of stories about their organization… this is word-of-mouth marketing at scale.”The company has reportedly been testing the feature for months and claims to have seen a positive reaction from users, who apparently prefer hearing about things from their friends rather than a faceless entity.Still, there are ways in which the system could be improved, especially for those concerned about their privacy being respected. The most obvious is that users are not notified that their posts are being used in ads, and cannot block their posts from becoming ads unless they change their privacy settings to make the posts private. Thats one thing Facebook has going for it this time around, though—the company will respect all privacy settings so that only the people youve already authorized to see your posts will see ads with you in them.

via No opting out from Facebook turning your check-ins, likes into ads.

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