I just figured out SBS2008 does NOT automatically setup roaming profiles.  This explains why i’m having issues with the desktops not matching when the users roam because the profiles are all local.  Unfortunately one of the users has his hdd die and this spewed corruption into the network portion of his “local” profile.  Now i can get rid of these corrupted profiles.  These are the steps to creating a baseline roaming profile…


1. Prepare the roaming user profile


–      Log on to a Windows Server 2008 with the domain user account to produce a user profile. Log off the computer.


–      Log on to the Windows Server 2008 with a domain administrator account.


–      Click Start—>right-click Computer—>Properties—>Advanced System Settings—>Advanced—>User Profiles Settings…—>Settings—>Copy To. Copy the profile to the file server, such as ‘\\filesrv\profiles\username.v2’


Note: A “.v2” suffix to the name of the user profile folder on the file server must be added to distinguish between version 1 and version 2 profiles.


–      In Permitted to use, click Change. Type the proper users or groups and then click OK.



2. Prepare the user Profile path setting


–      In the Active Directory Users and Computers, type the profile location such as ‘\\filesrv\profiles\username’ in the user’s Profile path attributes.


Note: Do NOT add “.v2” to the Profile path of the user object. This indicates that for Windows Server 2008 it will load the profile from ‘username.v2’ folder and for former Windows operating systems they will load from ‘username’ folder if it exists.




If you manually create user profile folder, please check the NTFS and share permission on the roaming profile share folder.


–      Locate the roaming profile share folder, and check the NTFS permission to make sure that the user, SYSTEM, and administrators have Full Controller permission on their folders and all sub-folder under the roaming profile folder has inherited proper permission.


–      Check the share permission to ensure that Everyone has Full Control permission.


Please pay attention to the Event logs in Windows Logs—>Application. User Profile Service will log events to show the reason why the roaming profile is not applied.

via SBS 2008 Profile.

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