Not only are ATT and Tmobile customers getting hammered in the upcoming merger but land line customers are about to get hammered as well.  Some of the regs are legal.. just not ethical.


Several users have written in to note that AT&T is sending out notifications that their terms of service have changed. The update includes a large number of things AT&T users need to be made aware of, including new language addressing AT&T’s new cap and overage plans, mandatory binding arbitration, mandatory migrations from legacy DSL to AT&T U-Verse service, and even language giving AT&T the right to terminate your service should you get angry about any of these changes and take it out on an AT&T representative.

via AT&T’s New TOS: Caps, Fewer Legal Rights, Forced U-Verse Upgrade – And a Provision Forcing You to be Polite About it All |, ISP Information.

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