I’ve gone a while before making a first purchase. Right now i’m not sure I’m going to be making another one. I purchased a license for my church recently. At a cost(even with my partner discount) equal to 25% of my entire annual IT budget. The key given to me was not the one i needed to create the license. It took a few days(things being over the memorial day holiday) for the US office to get to me..i don’t fault them on that aspect. I finally get my activation key and my upgrade key. I upgrade the church’s license. I then install the new license to the church’s machine. All hades broke loose then. ALL subscriptions come up as invalid. Also my AD link is severed. I am now at a base license because the Astaro says all of my licenses are invalid or expired. I try a reboot and i am locked out of the webadmin. I NEVER leave the local account active(shouldn’t have to in my book) so i now have a dead astaro. I now have to wait until tomorrow for support to fix this. Meanwhile I get to spend an hour or so tonight rebuilding what was once a perfectly working box. I’m going to loose all of my logs, quarantine and everything else. Luckily i have a backup of my config. This is unacceptable form an “enterprise vendor”. Is this the new norm after the sophos takeover? I hope not. I will post updates as they come in.

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