Unless you have a good product like Astaro protecting your edge i would highly suggest NOT running open wifi.  However with the proper precautions in place it is possible to mitigate the possibility of getting tangled up in this.


Under the new voluntary antipiracy regime agreed to this week by Internet providers, users who receive a first “alert” regarding copyright infringement on their account won’t be able to challenge that alert. Nor can they challenge the second alert, or the third, or the fourth. They can only challenge the alerts when they move from “education” to “mitigation”—after the fifth or sixth alert, depending on the Internet provider.

(RIAA head Cary Sherman told me yesterday that this was because the first “educational” alerts are like traffic warnings rather than traffic tickets; there’s no penalty, so who would want to challenge them?)

At that point, before a user’s Internet connection is throttled, curtailed, or otherwise hobbled, the account subscriber can pay $35 and appeal to a new independent body funded by the ISPs and the content owners. But the appeals process won’t accept just any defense; indeed, the official memorandum of understanding (MoU) governing this whole process describes the six possible defenses the independent reviewer will even consider (they are incorrectly numbered in the MoU and so run up to “vii,” but only six items are listed). Here they are:

via The six ways you can appeal new copyright “mitigation measures”.

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