I have a client that is constantly being pushed to engage is SEO games to try to raise his Google pagerank.  Hopefully this is the first nail in the coffin of the hideous Google Ranks manipulators.


On October 18, Google announced that it would begin pushing users with a Google account to Google’s encrypted search homepage. The move to make searches more private has caused an uproar among search marketers and SEO experts, who will now get limited information about how site visitors found them.

The move is part of Google’s ongoing response to concerns over the privacy of its services, especially for people connecting from public WiFi networks exposed by exploits like Firesheep. Google has offered secure search since April of 2010. But as the change is rolled out, any Google user that has logged into a Google account will be sent to the HTTP Secure search page by default, and their search queries and results returned by Google over the HTTPS connection will be encrypted.

via Google moves to secure searches, alienates SEO jockeys.

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