Graham Cluely, a senior technology consultant from Internet security firm Sophos, said it was not yet clear how the malicious content was being spread, but added that the website could face long term consequences.”Its precisely this kind of problem which is likely to drive people away from the site,” he wrote in a company blog. “Facebook needs to get a handle on this problem quickly, and prevent it from happening on such a scale again.”


Mr Cluely has it wrong.  Because FB and others of its ilk are browser based this is going to get worse….why?  It is childishly easy to compromise a browser.  Even the mighty Google Chrome with it’s sandboxing is no longer immune.  Once you compromise the browser you now have access to everything the user does at the users level of access at that site.  If you are an admin at a site so is the other person in your system.  As long as your browser is going(or sometimes even after you shut the browser down) the other person has the same level of control at all of your websites you do.

Cloud computing…especially in it’s browser form…is a huge danger to the user, the sites the user access, and everything they all touch.  It’s time to scale this insanity back.  It’s time to change behaviors.  The cloud is never the place to put anything critical or private…it WILL get compromised…that’s a guarantee.  “Cloud Computing” has a place…but don’t put any trust into it.

via Facebook Flooded With Porn And Violent Images, Company Warns | Fox News.

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