Astaro was probably the best edge UTM out there for quite some time.  I used them from the first v4 all the way up until now.  Astaro was then purchased by Sophos and it became a morass of corporate interference, no service to their smaller partners, a series of badly executed acquisitions and unreliable products as a result.  After months of pleading for Sophos to provide me with a license for their new Cyberoam based SFOS as laid out in their not for resale document I still have not received the license.  I have grown weary of being ignored.  I am a small one person shop.  To my clients I am a valuable member of their team so they can do business.  To Sophos I am nothing to be concerned with.  This is unfortunate as I have been one of the biggest advocates of their (formerly Astaro) UTM for many years.  That ends as of today.  I am in the process of bringing two vendors in to replace Sophos.  The first is Meraki. I am not a fan of their business model but I have clients asking me for it.  The other is Sonicwall.  The interface is byzantine but I have NEVER had to wait for days, weeks, or even months for a response to any inquiry no matter how mundane.  I have built my business on service and I hold my vendors to the same standard.  If you are not providing service to me and by extension my clients, out you go.


I am now singing up to partner with three of the premier network security vendors in the world market:



Dell Sonicwall


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