I have been mistrustful of Microsoft even since Windows 10 started coming out.  The constant Windows as a service mentions and the nearly illegal and almost malware like campaign to get Windows 10 everywhere really had me not liking the entire Windows 10 ecosystem.  Not only are there still huge usability issues I have found with Windows 10, there are also other aspects I do not like.  Microsoft has also announced some changes to Windows 10 Professional with the latest anniversary update.  Along with not being able to NOT get this “update” there are other changes to Professional.  The so called “consumer experience” is basically unremovable crapware that Microsoft uses to try to upsell you on other things.  With the announced changes you can no longer use Group Policy to disable this “experience”.  There are several other registry changes that have been blocked as well.  This also includes the lock screen, Windows store, and the various advertising that Microsoft has now built into Windows 10. This can only be done with Enterprise or Education edition.

Back when Windows 10 and the free upgrade were announced I began to speculate about the free upgrade not being all it seems due to a Microsoft trademark request.  The constant Windows as a service repetition is what really bothered me.  Many businesses will probably stick with Windows 10 Professional even though it is slowly being crippled to force businesses onto the Windows 10 Enterprise.  Once Microsoft either eliminates the Professional edition or cripples it to the point of being nothing more than a highly expensive Home edition(with no group policy controls at all for instance), then businesses will have to choose.  With Windows 10 Enterprise now being “offered” as a subscription for $7/month, I would expect this to become the normal way to license Windows business machines in the near future.

Now comes the big question.  How many businesses will tolerate this?  While i have SEVERE misgivings about the cloud it is the cloud that will be Microsoft’s undoing.  With Quickbooks being available as a cloud based product(which is about the only thing that keeps most of my clients on Windows as it is) along with other major products, Microsoft is going to be in a big bind.  I think Microsoft will try to push the subscription model to home users as well.  Businesses might not revolt very much but the Home market is where Microsoft is going to hit a wall.  Eventually the business cash cow will run dry at the cloud removes any real reason for Windows on the desktop to exist.  Linux or other operating systems will take hold due to their low or zero cost.  The desktop is not going to go away but the operating system on those desktop is going to undergo a radical transformation.  Microsoft knows this so they will try to wring as much out of their cash cow as they can before they are also totally dependent on the cloud for most, if not all, of their ongoing revenue.

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