I have always wondered why Google always struggles to make it’s hardware and new products “stick”. It turns out Google doesn’t really want folks to be subscribed to it’s “Gsuite” accounts. Why do I say this?

I just found out that the new Google Assistant(which includes the Pixel, Allo, and Google Home), are NOT compatible with Gsuite, which is the paid subscription e-mail and application hosting from Google. However if you have a free account you get everything else except the extra online storage…otherwise the feature set is pretty much a wash.

This means I lose half of my storage(free has 15 gigs free while paid has 30 gigs included). So for everyone who ever asks about if I am a business where do I host my email for my business? Microsoft exchange online. This sucks as i am going to loose the years of training I have with my Gsuite account as I have to first export my data from my Gsuite account..and i hope i can import it into my free gmail account.

I am glad I only had to purchase a Google home(which is being RMA’ed as I type this…after having it operational for less than 20 minutes). Imagine how pissed I would have been had I purchased one of their 1K pixel phones? Needless to say I am absolutely stunned at the total lack of any kind of intelligence or common sense in this development.

Here’s the skinny.   If you run a business and want to fully utilize the range of Google technologies do NOT get a Gsuite(or by extension) any other business based subscription account. Google’s attitude towards you is that you do not deserve to be able to access their latest technologies.

If you want to be kept abreast of things like this make sure you contact me to answer your questions. Luckily I made the purchase to find out this major issue and I hope you have not made a bigger mistake by purchasing a Pixel phone and trying to tie it to a Gsuite account.

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