There are tons and tons of companies that can host your website for you.  Within the sea of hosting providers what sets ETC Maryland apart from the others?

  1. All accounts receive a free basic SSL Certificate
  2. All accounts get a free dedicated IPV6 address
  3. All accounts have Gzip compression enabled to help reduce the amount of traffic you use.
  4. All servers are backed up twice nightly.  One backup is onsite inside the datacenter.  The other one is offsite in Maryland.  The backup archive is 14 days.

If you are hosted with me the phone number you get is mine..and you get my e-mail address and twitter and Facebook pages.  If there’s a problem or you have a question you talk directly to me.  The datacenter that hosts my servers is in Berkeley Springs, WV and the owners of the company live even closer.

I do not offer unlimited disk space or unlimited data transfer.  The reason I do not is I believe in proper server management instead of trying to cram as many accounts onto the servers as possible.  Many times if you are on a host that has a rock bottom price with “unlimited” anything what you see in the fine print are the harsh resource limits that are in play.  Many companies have very strict CPU limits and others not only limit CPU usage but also database usage.  With the vast majority of sites being database driven I have seen several times where a website slows down not due to them using CPU but hitting the database limits in terms of how many accesses they are allowed per hour(or per day in some extreme cases).

Another difference, proper handling of DMCA notices.  I know of some companies that if your site receives a DMCA notice they simply disable your entire account…instantly…and then let you know.  You may or may not be given the opportunity to defend yourself and get your account back.  I handle DMCA requests as they should be handled:

  1. DMCA notice is received from copyright holder.
  2. ETC Maryland will temporarily remove the content mentioned in the DMCA request..NOT THE ENTIRE SITE unless a proper court order is received.
  3. Notice is sent to the account holder.  A response(counterclaim or agreement to keep the content offline) must be received within 24 hours…if not ETC Maryland will leave the content offline until contact is established with the account holder.
  4. If proper response is gained the content will be restored and the counterclaim(if filed) will be forwarded to copyright holding entity.
  5. Only upon a court order OR if the content is clearly illegal will the entire site be taken offline…otherwise it is now incumbent upon the copyright holder to get a legal order requiring ETC Maryland to permanently remove the content.

Contact me if you have any questions about this service.  My rates are on this site for your consideration. You can use my contact form or you can call me at 301-524-5271.

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