It very well could be. right now I am seeing signs about an embargoed(aka being kept secret) serious HARDWARE security problem RE: virtualization(aka the cloud) that affects Intel processors. The amount of software patching going on is massive and even open source software maintainers are keeping a lid on things. Eventually something will either leak or it will get disclosed. Get ready because it appears this could be something really big….I hope this is speculation and nothing more….but somehow I think this could be really big…I’ll know more as i dig more.


There is a major Intel CPU Hardware bug that is causing serious patching inside many different operating systems right now. The internet is full of posts asobut it but right now some critical information is not available…like exactly which Intel cpu series are affected…is it everything up until today and does it affect the versions currently int he pipeline? right now there are software patches out that introduce a 5-40% performance hit due to this problem. The patches and full details have been embargoed and redacted even in the open source world…supposedly by tomorrow we will have the full details at least on the software side revealed. I am going to be working on a detailed, long-form report on this once I know everything I feel should be told about this problem. this is the third major Hardware problem with Intel products in less than 2 years….AMD is not affected by this latest issue. the current, rushed software patches will affect AMD as they do not look for AMD cpus and disable themselves. AMD is furiously trying to get the developers to flag its cpus to NOT have this fix “turned on” because it also hurts AMD when it is enabled even though it is not required.

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