Many web providers out there might have one backup…most do not give you two unless you pay extra.  I hate to see stories like this one…an Australian web host has their systems compromised and they lost everything.  They lost not only their own data but all of their clients data.  What was their biggest flaw?  They did not have an offsite, full, daily, backup for their infrastructure or their client data.  ETC Maryland’s web hosting gives you three backups:

  1. The first one is to another machine inside the data center for recent, quick recoveries.
  2. The second one is to another server offsite.
  3. The third is an offsite cloud backup.
  4. The archive is a total of 14 days.

This is in addition to the other features that I offer on my web hosting.  Take a look on our hosting page for a full description of our available services and the competitive rates that are offered.

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