Unifi is a great networking system.  For less than a quarter of the price you can do most things with it that Meraki can…but no subscriptions.  The gear mostly just works and it is very easy to setup.  The Unifi firewalls do have some serious shortcomings:

  1.  Their level of traffic logging and reporting is seriously lacking for those that want highly detailed traffic logs
  2.   User/mobile VPN options are limited and cause serious performance problems

I have a Unifi setup here and I have loved it…but there is a firewall I have been wanting to try with Unifi for a long time.  That firewall if PFSense.  With it’s large base feature set and then it’s addon features, PFSense I think would be the perfect complement to Unifi.  Once my newly purchase PFSense appliance arrives,  I am going to integrate it into my network.

I have integrated Sonicwall and Watchguard in with Unifi, but those two firewalls are exceedingly complex to setup.  I want to get PFSense integrated.with Unifi then I have an alternative to the USG until Unifi updates the hardware so that a simple VPN doesn’t introduce a 50% or higher performance hit to everything across the board.  More details as things progress.

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