There are some serous ripoff artists out there. I have a acupuncturist who hosts with me on micro and her site got compromised…due to old outdated plugins. Her web programmer said he’d fix it for 75/month recurring. So what did this person do for two months? Nothing but upload his own backups..every time the site got hacked. No site audits, no plugin audits, nothing..just re-uploading the same broken site. The hosting client forgot that i have backups..but that would not have helped this time. She then asked about my fully managed hosting. The client then asked if I could also move her domain from Wix..which I did. All in all there was a ton of work in the background to do such as decoupling Gsuite from Wix, removing the domain from Wix(Wix fights you along the way) and then recovering the site so it quit getting hacked. The client got her site cleaned up, secured, and is now under ETC Maryland’s watchful eye for just under half what the other person was charging per year.  If you want your WordPress site to be watched over for security updates, guard against deletion, has solid and proven backups, take a look at the fully managed hosting option available at ETC Maryland’s hosting page.  Look at the features provided and compare against other hosts.

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