If you use the elementor plug-in for WordPress to help design your website, it is a source of remote compromise for your website. The word fence security team found the vulnerability and reported it to elementor. A patch has now been released. Etc. Maryland fully managed hosting clients were protected against this as soon as word fence found the vulnerability and updated the word fence security plugin to guard against this vulnerability. ETC. Maryland fully managed clients also, either have had or will have their sites fully updated within the next 24 hours if the sites have not updated themselves.  ATC Maryland fully managed clients are kept up-to-date on a regular basis at every security announcement and are also checked on a regular basis for any security vulnerabilities that may exist. Please contact us to see how we could help you potentially lower your costs and increase your WordPress site security all that pricing that’s highly competitive in the market.  You can read more about the security vulnerability at the following link.link.