by wwarren | Feb 25, 2011 | Security
HBGary was plugged into some of the deepest reaches of the Military Industrial Complex. Right now it’s interesting how Anonymous has gone quiet. A cracker doesn’t want publicity…if they get exposed their cover is gone. it’s...
by wwarren | Feb 25, 2011 | Security
Its harder to explain away the substance of many other e-mail messages which have emerged in reporting by Ars Technica as well as others. They show a company executives like HBGary Federal CEO Aaron Barr mining social networks for data to “scare the s***”...
by wwarren | Feb 24, 2011 | Microsoft, Security, Security Alerts, Server 2008, Windows, Windows 7
There are increasing reports of issues with this service pack. Despite it not supposedly making any major changes to either OS it seems that may not be the case. if you are an ECC client or just a user watching the ECC feeds i advise NOT installing this update right...
by wwarren | Feb 22, 2011 | Security
It’s funny to me that folks seemed shocked at the latest treasure trove of goodies from the HBGary email spool. Basically these folks built custom malware on behalf of their government clients. ARSTechnica digs in (with pretty impressive technical depth, I might add)...
by wwarren | Feb 19, 2011 | Security
I had to get this link posted. I will comment once i have a chance to fully read this article. Black ops: how HBGary wrote backdoors for the government.
by wwarren | Feb 15, 2011 | Security, Security Alerts
very very deep. There has GOT to be criminal charges against the companies involved….of course with the blatant stealing the banks are doing who knows? Folks wonder I see paranoid…if the good guys are willing to break whatever law they have to for...