by wwarren | Jul 5, 2010 | Apple, Security, Security Alerts
You need to log into your iTunes account and change your password. Once you do that go into the payment details and select none to clear out your CC or checking account information. There’s more details Here, Here, Here. iTunes accounts hacking more widespread...
by wwarren | Jun 29, 2010 | Microsoft, Office, Security, Windows
e-Banking Bandits Stole $465,000 From Calif. Escrow Firm — Krebs on Security. Marisco said that a few days before the theft, she opened an e-mail informing her that a UPS package she had been sent was lost, and urging her to open the attached invoice. Nothing happened...
by wwarren | Jun 21, 2010 | Linux, Security
Right now cloud computing isn’t a security’s a security nightmare. Most cloud apps actually require you to download and install an executable file that then connects to the cloud. The operating system requirements are? Windows…most...
by wwarren | Jun 5, 2010 | Security, Security Alerts
This problem is being actively used by the “bad guys” and wasn’t found until it was being used to attack machines. There is no patch yet..and there’s no easy way to get around this issue. The best thing you can do is delete the .dll file that...
by wwarren | May 21, 2010 | Security
Report: Facebook caught sharing secret data with advertisers. Especially with Mark Zukerberg(CEO of Facebook) calling his users obscene names and now being accused of securities fraud, this revelation isn’t surprising. Right after the first series of Zuckerberg...
by wwarren | Apr 30, 2010 | Security, Security Alerts
From a corporate standpoint and security standpoint this should be the end of FB use. Wired reports that new information has surfaced that claims Zuckerberg just doesn't care about the privacy of Facebook users. The revelation came in the form of a Tweet...