The Cloud and Why it’s Going to Cost You More

At Least in Internet Fees.  don’t think that Comcast, Verizon, or anyone else can give you 10 megabits at 50/month and be profitable.  They can’t.  I am expecting a new model in pricing much like you do on water or electricity.  You pay for every bit of...

An Interesting Revelation

I just did my annual update to the Linux Counter Project which is located at  Once i finished my updates I was quote shocked at what I found.  Out of all the machines I manage in one form or another(at least server wise) more than 90% are Linux boxes....

Comcast Issues Continue

If you find you can’t surf on your Comcast connection they are having intermittent issues with their DNS server.  DNS is the server that translates to the actual ip address.  when those have issue you can’t surf.  Comcast DNS is having...

More on the Comcast-Level 3 spat

Folks are piling onto Comcast but I am thinking they are wrong.  There’s one section in this post that blows Level 3’s arguments so full of holes swiss cheese looks solid: So what’s the issue? Level 3 told the world that Comcast had hit it up for more...

Comcast: Pay Or No Play(Not Really)

Karl has this one nailed.  Just because Comcast is the bigger of the two doesn’t make it automatically wrong.  L3 is trying to push the colocation costs of CDN traffic to Comcast and L3 got Called on it.  Here’s a post on NANOG I found that very well...
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