Zimbra has been a bit hit.  I’m currently trying to get the software lifecycles synchronized.  Zimbra 7 has just been released.. unfortunately zimbra does not support Debian any longer.  Centos 6 is about to be released and I’m not a fan of Ubuntu.  Centos 5 expires in 2014 which is about the same time as Zimbra 7.  It looks like I’ll stick with Centos 5 until the EOL of Zimbra 7.  Then for Zimbra 8 change both the Zimbra version and the host operating system.

Servers:  One of the donated rackmounts is now running Astaro again.  Untangle let me down when it counted and the conduct of their founder and COO i find distateful.  I ahd a bad e-mail get past the Untangle system and infect one of my users computers.  I’ve since switched to Astaro and frankly I couldn’t be happier.  Not only has the spam detection gone up to near 99% or higher but false positives are nearly zero.  So far the Astaro is rejecting 90% of all spam mail before it even gets to the anti-spam and a/v engines.  This has led to a marked decrease in resource usage by the Zimbra server.  I honestly had no idea how much was getting by the Untangle until i installed Astaro.

I also had all the ups units in the server room fail.  Luckily I was able to get a new single, large ups that’s ultimately capable of running everything in the server room for at least 10 minutes.  Once i get the control software installed the main server will be able to send graceful shutdown signals to the mail server and firewall server if there is a sustained power disruption.  The file server will also shutdown gracefully meaning less chances of file system crashes or corruptions..:)

There’s a couple of large projects coming but i’m not going to talk about them until everything is in place..:)

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