More Church client news

Zimbra has been a bit hit.  I’m currently trying to get the software lifecycles synchronized.  Zimbra 7 has just been released.. unfortunately zimbra does not support Debian any longer.  Centos 6 is about to be released and I’m not a fan of Ubuntu.  Centos...

Radio Support

Got the new server online months ago..sorry for the lack of news.  I wound up sticking with Debian.  Everything went smoothly and now there are several domains running off of this box including multiple streaming servers.  Now a bigger challenge looms…moving...

IN Support of Another NPO

I have been doing IT work as a volunteer for a local radio station WTHU for a few years now.  Slowly but surely we have been moving along the technology track int he right direction.  We have a stout server in wash state that handles our streaming.  The costs for this...

Server Donation Part 4

Well i got the servers in and really didn’t want to wait for the 12u rack…mainly because it’s not int he budget right now.  I took one of the servers and have installed untangle on it.  I now have 4 network cards in the thing.  One is red(internet),...

Zimbra is about ready to go

I just need to get the final list of current mailboxses and get the DNS switched over.  Staff meeting this Monday to see if they’ll give the green light.  I have found several extensions(called zimlets) that really extend the featureset of the Zimbra platform....
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