There’s one thing he is leaving out.  Andriod is not a closed, one vendor only operating system.  IOS is apple and pp-le only.


I’d like to start by stating I am not a rabid Android “fanboy.” In fact, I heavily considered the iPhone 3GS back in the day (er, last year), before deciding to pick up my Nexus One instead. Admittedly, I was a bit bedazzled by the concept of a “Google phone” and, as a confessed mega-geek, I found the bleeding-edge experience Android offered to be more exciting for some reason.

So I chose an Android device. When the iPhone 4 was released, I’ll be the first to admit that I was jealous. Like it or not, Apple’s Retina display and buttery-smooth iOS UI remain rivaled only by Samsung’s Galaxy S II, and I still staunchly believe Apple builds superior products to anyone in the smartphone industry in terms of build quality and hardware design. iOS 4 still lagged behind Android in several key respects, but to say the iPhone 4 wasn’t a juggernaut in the marketplace (antenna-gate aside) would be willful ignorance.

When it started becoming consensus that Apple would be jumping straight to the iPhone 5, my imagination ran wild with the possible changes the company could be making to the iconic device. So, when the rumors then began piling up that Apple would not be releasing an iPhone 5 today, but an iPhone 4S, my hopes for it immediately and arbitrarily decreased. When it was officially announced, my confidence in Apple’s ability to continue to innovate and break new ground not only with the iPhone itself, but the iOS platform, waned substantially. Apple broke its release schedule and waited until Fall for this very incremental upgrade? I can scarcely understand what took Apple so long.

If this phone had been released in June, my reception may have been a bit warmer. But given the pace at which smartphones are evolving,  Apple will already be feeling the pressure from new Android handsets not a few months from now, but a few weeks. This isn’t good. It isn’t good for Apple, and it isn’t good for their carrier partners. We knew there was a strong possibility that Apple would release an incremental upgrade to the iPhone 4, but we expected a much larger increment, if you will.

The release of the iPhone 4S will pit it squarely against the various carrier-branded versions of Samsung’s Galaxy S II, Google’s upcoming Nexus Prime handset on Verizon, and a litany of devices in the pipes from the likes of Motorola and HTC. Phones with high definition 720p displays. Phones with even more powerful dual core processors. Phones with Google’s much-awaited Ice Cream Sandwich release of the Android OS – the single biggest visual revamp of the Android OS for phones to date. Some of these phones will be, in terms of a number of on-paper specifications, bigger and better than the iPhone 4S.

While Apple’s device remains the king of the hill in terms of battery life, camera, display pixel density, and internal storage offerings for now, there’s no doubt that this is the least competitive iPhone to be released to date. Here’s why.

via Editorial: 5 Reasons Why I Think The iPhone 4S Is The Least Competitive iPhone Yet.

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