Major Java Security Vulnerability and ETC Maryland’s Vulnerability Statement

There is a logging library that is used extensively throughout the Technology industry.  It has gotten a security rating of 10 which is very very rare…i personally have not heard of one during my nearly 30 years in this industry.  You can see the looooong list...

Update to IOS 9.3.1

Now this is a nasty one.  If you are not running IOS 9.3.1 an automated WiFi based attack against your Idevice(which is not that hard to carry out) can permanently brick your expensive Idevice.  The problem is that if your Idevice gets set back to the date of Jan 1,...

My IOS Experiment is Over

I tried it for 60 days but in the end I had to go back to android. I actually went full bore into it stayed totally inside the Apple ecosystem.  It wasn’t pleasant.  My belief that IOS is a media consumption system was fully confirmed.  Android is the better...
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