Right now is a good time to buy a computer.  Why?  The upcoming release of Windows 10 which will be free for most computers.  What I am advising clients who do NOT have domain controllers is to buy a computer and basically turn it on and let it get the updates that allow the Windows 10 offer.  On July 29th of this year Windows 10 will begin rolling out to those computers.  I  do suggest a couple of caveats though


1.  If you are running the home edition of win7 or 8 you will get the new windows 10 if you have “reserved” your copy.

2.  Make sure to do a full system backup before you do the upgrade

3.  There is no going back.  Once you have upgraded you are stuck with Windows 10

4.  There are several large bugs with Windows 10 that Microsoft is promising to fix.

5.  WIFI sense is a great convenience but the security risks are very high..especially for businesses.

6.  Older hardware will most likely be broken.  Also if your machine has less than 4 gigs of ram you will have performance problems

7.  The only way to do a clean install is to do the upgrade and then build your install image and start over…again.

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