it’s been 10+ years with me on the Gsuite platform…but today I had something that pushed me over the edge.  I have had a Gsuite account for more than 10 years.  That account has my life on it and my phones now know me very well.  All of that..the apps, the data that’s built going to be gone in just under a year(once the sub runs out).  I am shifting my phones to my account and my email to Office365.  My calendars will be on the account so i can integrate it with my girls who are on Gsuite free account) because i would not be able to sync them with the 0365 calendar..and even if i can..i do not want to hop through the hoops..:)  It means my phones are not going to know me for a loooooong time and the pain and frustration that is going to cause is going to be around for a while.  However as I mentioned earlier on this site Gsuite is not where you want to go if you want to use ANYTHING like google home or nest or anything else.  Moving the mail over is the easy part.  Moving the contacts, google keep notes, contacts and the rest is not that easy(although it should be as and Gsuite are the same platform).  I have a new long-term project ahead.  Here is the email i sent to the CEO of Google.  I do not know if he will even read it..but I will be posting it online so maybe he will see if one day.

*UPDATE* I just received this email from Gsuite support:

Thank you for contacting Google Cloud Support. I understand that you have some questions about mobile management in your domain.

Please let me know the best time to call you and I’ll be happy to assist you. You can use Google Mobile Management to manage, secure, and monitor mobile devices in your organization. You can manage a range of devices, including phones, tablets, and smartwatches. For more details please review this Help Center article:

It was a pleasure to assist you. I’ll keep this case open while waiting for your response; in the event the case gets automatically closed, you can reply in the next 30 days to reopen it. Have a nice day!

I am not having a Mobile Device Management issue.  Obviously this tech has not read the ticket fully…another reason I am leaving.

*Update 2*

Thank you for contacting Google Cloud support. I understand your issue as you are trying to restore a phone backup for the G Suite account user and are getting an error while trying to restore.
This feature is not available for G Suite users and is expected to fail. This feature is only available for personal free .gmail accounts and will not work even if the option is available in the phones user interface (UI). Currently there is no estimated or specific time for this feature will become available to G Suite users.
If you would like to speak with me over the phone about this issue please reply with a suitable time to call.
I am gone right now anyway any further tickets will be replied to with this post.

Mr. Pichai,

After 10+ years of having a Gsuite account I am leaving for Microsoft.  What finally pushed the button for me today is I was experiencing serious problems with my Gsuite Service and I had tech support lie, call dump, and be totally unsatisfactory in other ways.  I had my phones acting very weird today.  I went ahead and reset them as I not only rely on the Android backups to Drive but I also have other backups for my crucial data elsewhere as well.  When I tried to restore my phone from the backups on the platform(the devices in question are an LGV20,  Pixel XL, and  Galaxy Note9) the restore would either hang, fail completely, or simply not do anything even when waiting for an hour.  At one point the restore on the Note9 went partway through the restore and then failed leaving me to resort to booting into the boot-loader to reset the phone that way as android at that point refused to boot.  When I contacted support on the phone the lady told me the Drive component was not a core service and was not covered by Gsuite support.  The link she gave me to contact support eventually lead me back to…my Gsuite account for support.  I then decided to do a chat.  Unfortunately I could not get satisfactory support from the other agents.  I was trying to be as clear as I could but folks either could not understand what I was referring to, obviously were not paying attention after transfers, and simply had not idea what product they were supporting.

Allow me to detail the things that lead me to this decision after a decade:

  1. Gsuite not working with google Home.  I can use Amazon Alexa to get my calendar information from my Gsuite but not Google’s own home products.
  2. Tech support was not satisfactory.  Tech support outright lying to me about Gsuite core services.  I am a 30 year tech and I know call dumping when I see it.  I have had to contact Microsoft tech support multiple times.  I have never had a Microsoft tech tell me that SharePoint, Outlook, or some other core service is not supported when it is advertised as part of the subscription that is being paid for.  I would rather have tech support that is routinely slow but is always competent and NEVER dumps calls compared to tech support that I do not have to use much and apparently has techs who either call dump, or do not understand the product they are supposed to be supporting or do not pay attention to the previous threads when transferred.
  3. While minor, the price increase was a minor irritant.  Now with the above mentioned problems it now becomes a bigger reason.

I do have a account that I am going to shift to.  At least on a free account I understand there is no tech support but more importantly everything from Google works with that account.  I will no longer have to worry about being surprised when Google puts out a new product only to find out that it also does not work with my paid Gsuite account.  I hope you can take this message as a point of improvement for Gsuite in general.

William Warren
Emmanuel Technology Consulting

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