When the Cloud Goes POOF!

Gmail goes POOF!  While i DO have my business and personal domain accounts in the “cloud” i back them up from time to time.  I don’t have my own mailserver at the moment(no space/power/bandwidth) which is why I use Google’s Free Apps....

Facebook Finally Does Something Good

Go do this.  At least you won’t be able to have your facebook account stolen when you are on public wifi. To turn on your HTTP connection, go to the “Account Security” section of Facebook’s Account Settings page. Facebook offers users SSL...

The Cloud and Why it’s Going to Cost You More

At Least in Internet Fees.  don’t think that Comcast, Verizon, or anyone else can give you 10 megabits at 50/month and be profitable.  They can’t.  I am expecting a new model in pricing much like you do on water or electricity.  You pay for every bit of...

Anandtech Begins a Major Upgrade Project

They are jumping right into virtualization.  Their biggest concern is they are hitting the limits of their colos power envelope before they start getting charged.  They are going to reduce their server footprint by about half and hopefully save some power as well....