by wwarren | Feb 1, 2025 | Annoucements, Hosting, Linux, Open Source
For the first 10 years of my hosting service I have used Ubuntu Server LTS. Ubuntu has become quite bloated and the amount of time I spent turning off cruft in the background has gotten to be on par with Windows. With RedHat now being totally a paid for product that...
by wwarren | May 5, 2022 | Firewalls, FreeBSD, General, Hardware, Intel, Linux, Open Source, PFSense, Ubiquiti
Well this is for my clients who are curious what I run at y office for my networking:
by wwarren | Nov 29, 2021 | Firewalls, Free/TrueNAS, FreeBSD, Hardware, Intel, Linux, Open Source, PFSense, Storage
My friend Erik Mikula death…for a while really took the wind out of my IT sails. I have the server i ordered right before Erik died….and’s been a painful reminder of his sudden removal from this world. I finally came to realize Erik would...
by wwarren | Sep 23, 2021 | Hosting, Linux, Open Source, Service Status
I was at my office workstation looking at web1 when suddenly my site…and every other site on web 1..vanished. All i started seeing was MySQL database connection errors. The amount of errors escalated until MySQL crashed completely. Attempts to restart MySQL...
by wwarren | Apr 28, 2021 | FreeBSD, Linux, Open Source
Remember this post? My quest for an open source hypervisor as part of my ongoing software stack continues. It appears SCALE will not be part of that stack going forward. I have since figured out that SCALE is not going to be able to handle the use case I am looking...
by wwarren | Mar 16, 2021 | Annoucements, FreeBSD, Linux, Open Source, Research Projects, Storage
With the completion of my ransomware resistance storage research and product announcement, I have now embarked on a new research project. I am looking for an open source virtualization host. I have already tried XCP-NG and I just could not get it to work...