The Comcast Business IPV6 Issue…Resolved

Remember this post?Comcast sent a tech out with another modem.  This time it was one of their Cisco “towers” as i call it.  I got that one installed…and thins got worse.  The modem first booted up.  the tech then loaded the static IP configuration...

Comcast Strikes Again

i ordered a block of 5 static ipv4 from Comcast.  Of course they require us to use their modem/gateway device.  AND it’s also a technicolor(known in the industry as technicrap).  I almost rejected the install right there..and looking back, i should have.  The...

Another Wrinkle with TrueNAS

 One of a clients backups are using 5-8 terabytes of disk space on a cloud backup. the disk usage on the NAS itself(due to zfs native dompression is 2.7 TB. It’s taken a while to figure out but it turns out Rclone(which is what truenas uses for it’s cloud...

WordPress 5.8 is released

The folks at Wordfence have a good video about the new WordPress revision 5.8.  It’s got some new image type support along with a removal of support for internet Explorer.  There’s other feature updates as well.  Fully managed clients will be getting...
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