ETC Blog, The Tech Resource
How to Get Your Ipod Shuffle to synch Under Windows7 64 bit
I found this in a google search since i was having issues. There is a working solution for iTunes 8.2 x64 in combination with Windows 7 x64 and the iPod Shuffle. You will only have to follow the described steps a SINGLE time. Once you did that, you'll be able to use...
Windows 7 is Rolling Along
as per my earlier post I have now gotten Windows 7 64 bit running on my main desktop. It's not as fast as xp but the speed difference between vista and 7 is astonishing. now to load up the rest of my drivers and see how it works..:)
HCS and Gen’s Place » Blog Archive » Looking Deeply Into the Mess That is Windows Vista. This needs to be refreshed as well as moved to this blog. This paper was written 3 years ago and detailed the various drm infestations inside of Vista. Wile some of the...
MIcrosoft Told it Can’t Sell Word
Judge: Microsoft can't sell Word anymore. I highly doubt this one will hold up on appeal but I'll keep an eye on it to see what happens.
Microsoft August 2009 Black Tuesday Overview
oh boy. Get your mouse clickers ready and update Windows as this is a nasty bunch of updates. More than half of the patches are of the type that allow remote system takeover and most of the takeover udpates are in.....Drun Roll Please.....ACTIVEX!
Black Hat ® Technical Security Conference: USA 2009 // Archives
Black Hat ® Technical Security Conference: USA 2009 // Archives. This is a huge annual security conference by folks who know a ton more about security than i do..:)
So Much for Apple’s Higher Security
Digital Society » Blog Archive » Apple keyboards hacked and possessed. BSD IS more secure than windows by default but no operating system is immune to stupid implementation. Exposing root or writing applications to run as root but not tell the operator are examples...
Centos Comes off of Life Support..But is the Project Truly in Recovery?
According to the Centos homepage: The CentOS Development team had a routine meeting today with Lance Davis in attendance. During the meeting a majority of issues were resolved immediately and a working agreement was reached with deadlines for remaining unresolved...
Anyone Can Get Compromised
When 'Big Leaguers' Get Hacked | threatpost.
Fixing Activex by Disabling Parts of it Proven to not be the Solution
Researcher Shows Killbit is No Defense on MsVidCtl Flaw | threatpost. When you have a technology(Activex) that allows access directly to the kernel there is only one way to secure it..remove it. I have posted about this multiple times. Microsoft it is time for you...
When an OPen Source Project Goes BOOM!!!!
Read this site: Planet CentOS. It turns out the CentOS project is under the control of one person and that person has decided to disappear..for over a year. All monies that got donated did not go to CentOS but to the founding individual. This type of thing can...
Security issues with sudo in Ubuntu
Security issues with sudo « Mihai's Weblog. I have always thought Ubuntu's way of locking out direct root access was nonsensical. It now turns out it worse than's Microsoft-ish.
Another ActiveX Remote Takeover Issue
Vulnerability in Microsoft Office Web Components Control Could Allow Remote Code Execution. *sigh* When will ms and others learn? Head to this page for the fix. Head to the fix it for me section and click on the fix it icon under enable workaround. Download and...
Facebook Users and Others Watch out.
(updated) 4Chan launches embarrassing attack on devout Christians on Facebook – The Next Web. 4chan first went after they are after Christians. If you have been spoofed on your facebook change your passwords on everything(not just facebook but...
The Benefits of Patnership With Microsoft
It's more a subscription but it still has some good benefits. I am currently downloading the 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Windows 7. I know from the beta and RC that performance is higher. I am anxious to see how it does now that it has been released.
August 2009 A/V Failures
Symantec, 11 others, fail Virus Bulletin's August 2009 test (Updated) - Ars Technica. Some of these are the BIG BOYS in the market...:)
How to Fix a Number of Issues in Vista(only for advanced folks)
Disable User Account Control (UAC) the Easy Way on Windows Vista :: the How-To Geek. That's right. Kill UAC. things like slow network performance, the annoying popups and other arcane bugs go away. Now if you do not run your computer properly then this leads to a...
Windows 7 to Bring New Hardware
Windows 7, new laptop designs to converge | Nanotech - The Circuits Blog - CNET News. This should be interesting. In October Windows 7 launches and many hardware vendors are looking to unveil new hardware.
Another Mac Security Hole
DailyTech - Another Major Mac Computer Security Flaw Discovered. And of course it's another remote takeover vulnerability. I just posted about how Apple's arrogance is biting them in the rear.
Firewall Server Offerings Set
It is going to be either Astaro or Untangle. Depending on what the clients needs are. Ipfire feels kludgey and ipcop isn't really designed for modern hardware and is a bit too basic for my needs. Comixwall is a typical Debian distro..if you want to live in the cli...
Best and Worst Security Award Winners From the Blackhat Conference.
Pwnie Award Winners. I like this. It shows that nothing is sacred when it comes to security..:)
Business Banking Should Not Be Done With Insecure Browsers
Security Fix - The Growing Threat to Business Banking Online. NO clients of mine that have run Firefox instead of IE and followed my best practices advice have gotten infected with malware. If you don't get infected online baking is perfectly safe from your end.
What the BOOM post means to ECC clients
For the clients running centos I am going to be researching other alternatives. Right now no servers are in danger of being unable to update. I will keep everyone informed as to how this situation unfolds.
New Server Location
I have relocated this site to a new server. It is actually a virtual machine on a physical server. I have noticed a 50% increase in performance of this site. I hope you enjoy the new speeds.
Oracle Could be Sending Solaris to the Great Bit Bucket in the Sky.
Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris? - Computerworld Blogs. I think it's beyond open Solaris I think it's also Solaris as well as Mysql and Virtualbox.