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Windows 7 is Rolling Along

as per my earlier post I have now gotten Windows 7 64 bit running on my main desktop.  It's not as fast as xp but the speed difference between vista and 7 is astonishing.  now to load up the rest of my drivers and see how it works..:)

Microsoft August 2009 Black Tuesday Overview

oh boy. Get your mouse clickers ready and update Windows as this is a nasty bunch of updates.  More than half of the patches are of the type that allow remote system takeover and most of the takeover udpates are in.....Drun Roll Please.....ACTIVEX!

So Much for Apple’s Higher Security

Digital Society » Blog Archive » Apple keyboards hacked and possessed. BSD IS more secure than windows by default but no operating system is immune to stupid implementation.  Exposing root or writing applications to run as root but not tell the operator are examples...

When an OPen Source Project Goes BOOM!!!!

Read this site: Planet CentOS. It turns out the CentOS project is under the control of one person and that person has decided to disappear..for over a year.  All monies that got donated did not go to CentOS but to the founding individual.  This type of thing can...

Windows 7 to Bring New Hardware

Windows 7, new laptop designs to converge | Nanotech - The Circuits Blog - CNET News. This should be interesting.  In October Windows 7 launches and many hardware vendors are looking to unveil new hardware.

Another Mac Security Hole

DailyTech - Another Major Mac Computer Security Flaw Discovered. And of course it's another remote takeover vulnerability.  I just posted about how Apple's arrogance is biting them in the rear.

Firewall Server Offerings Set

It is going to be either Astaro or Untangle.  Depending on what the clients needs are.  Ipfire feels kludgey and ipcop isn't really designed for modern hardware and is a bit too basic for my needs.  Comixwall is a typical Debian distro..if you want to live in the cli...

New Server Location

I have relocated this site to a new server. It is actually a virtual machine on a physical server. I have noticed a 50% increase in performance of this site. I hope you enjoy the new speeds.