ETC Blog, The Tech Resource
Windows 7 Beta Available
Right now the MS servers are getting hammered. I'm going to to put this on my notebook and we'll see how it works..:)
Linux Distro Timeline
linux_timeline.png (PNG Image, 2888x2079 pixels). I found this interesting...enjoy.
SSL Cracked? The sky if falling!!!!! The sky if falling!!!!! The latest security overreaction
SSL broken! Hackers create rogue CA certificate using MD5 collisions | Zero Day | The sky if falling!!!!! The sky if falling!!!!! There is a ton of heavy breathing going around about this issue and it's not necessary at all. This is a non-issue for the...
Google’s Andriod Already A Netbook OS
Startup Founders Turn Android into Desktop OS - PC World. Now this is itneresting. Read on for full details.
How to get OpenVPN GUI client and Windows Vista to play nicely with each other
*UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE* 1.) download the latest RC version from 2) Create a shortcut to your OpenVPN GUI file. Right click the shortcut and click properties. Under the 'Shortcut' tab. Click 'advanced'. Check the box that says 'Run as administrator' and...
Smart Host using Port 587 on SBS 2008 or Exchange 2007
Smart Host using Port 587. I found after some searching and asking at other forums that doing this from the gui console is not really possible. Here's one of many areas powershell comes into play: Open Exchange Management Shell and start by checking your Send...
Huge Windows Security Issue
There has been a new security issue just discovered. It was only discovered after the bad guys have started using it instead of the good guys figuring it out. If you are not sure if you are running internet explorer if you use AOL, Comcast, Verizon, among others or...
Welcome to the ECC Blog! This is where you will find various postings I have deemed important or helpful. If you find something of interest please use the contact form to alert me.
Microsoft extends support life of XP(the non-story) and a rebuttal of Leo Laporte.
<a href="">Microsoft extends support life of XP </a> This is no news. The 2014 expiration has been <a href=""...
Security Through Obscurity Debunked
Security Now!: MS and other closed source vendors like to say because their source is closed they are more secure. In other words the fact that others do not have access to the code any zero day vulns will be kept under wraps and not pose a danger to the userbase....
Defrag my linux?
BS' Blog: Bryan J Smith devles into the MS file systems and compares then against Linux/Unix file sytems and digs out why MS needs defragmenting but Linux does not. *UPDATE* Bryan has updaed the post with more XFS and clarifications
Huge Cisco Mess
*NOTE*" If i forgot to trackback you and i used your post let me know and i will correct it as soon as possible. Everyone i have linked to deserves proper credit..:) Cicso and ISS have created quite a mess for themselves. First, Mike Lynn showed at the BlackHat...
Zlib Security Flaw Exposes Swath of Programs This is an aircraft carrier sized hole. Check ALL software often for patches against this flaw.