by wwarren | Aug 7, 2012 | Cloud Computing, Security, Security Alerts
This reporter who was taken over at least acknowledges his security lapses. Facebook with it’s “social networking” actually sets you up for this very type of thing. keep in mind most of the cloud is web based and guess what the number one attack...
by wwarren | Aug 7, 2012 | Cloud Computing, Security, Security Alerts
Once you put something in the cloud it really isn’t yours anymore. This includes gmail which i do use for my e-mail services. However for me i do NOT send anything critical via e-mail. If it critical or sensitive i talk to them voice. Loosing e-mail would...
by wwarren | Jul 3, 2012 | Cisco, Cloud Computing, Hardware, Security
Networking giant Cisco has been giving its customers a lesson as to why that cloud thing might not be such a good idea. According to Extreme Tech, a number of Cisco customers last week began reporting problems with three specific Linksys-branded routers. Owners of the...
by wwarren | Jun 23, 2012 | Internet, Microsoft, Office, SBS 2008, SBS2011, Security, Security Alerts, Server 2008, Vista, Windows 7
this is inside a component that is on nearly every Microsoft machine worldwide. this includes all versions of xp, vista, 7 and the server versions. There is no Windows Update yet. Please use the fixit for me link for a hotfix. This is a patch for this issue but it...
by wwarren | Jun 20, 2012 | Hardware, Microsoft, Security, Smartphone, Tablets, Windows, Windows 8
Just read the below paragraph. Keep in mind what this means that malware and all of the associated security problems are now fully available throughout everything..tablets, phones, desktops..etc etc etc. Not a good thing. At Microsofts Windows Phone...
by wwarren | Jun 2, 2012 | Cloud Computing, Internet, Security, Security Alerts
This thing is quite huge..and fascinating. It’s amazing how many folks are acting surprised at how this thing evaded all current security current a/v. i am constantly wiping machines with malware that has gone around any a/v. this is not news. Also the main...