by wwarren | Apr 4, 2011 | Cloud Computing, Security, Security Alerts
Hit the below link to see more and more companies disclosing about the breach. I’m hearing rumors that Verizon was hit. It seems the top fortune 50 or even 100 used the same company. I’m only available for a short time to post this…watch later...
by wwarren | Apr 2, 2011 | Cloud Computing, Internet, Security, Security Alerts
This is what is in store for “the cloud”. All the criminals have to do is breach the cloud provider and much more damaging things are available than just e-mail addresses. “Cloud computing” is nothing more than client/mainframe 2.0....
by wwarren | Apr 2, 2011 | Internet, Security, Security Alerts
The List of Companies is long and getting longer. Please read the linked article. Spammers Target Kroger Customers — Krebs on Security.
by wwarren | Mar 21, 2011 | Security
If you have stuff you have been hanging onto this is one good way to safely destroy it. Want2Dish – Business – County / City – Frederick County Bank Hosting Free Community Shred Day.
by wwarren | Mar 18, 2011 | Microsoft, Security, Windows
Rustock is apparently severely crippled if not dead. I noticed at least a 30% drop in spam volumes across the networks I manage. I began looking at feeds, checking other security sites and the rumor was Rustock had been taken down by a concerted effort similar to...
by wwarren | Mar 17, 2011 | Linux, Microsoft, Open Source, Security
Unix admins have known this for a long time. There is only one way to reliably clean ANY infected machine…wipe and reload. For a long time, the best-practices approach to malware infections has been to re-format and re-image the infected machine from...