by wwarren | Apr 8, 2015 | Cloud Computing, Microsoft, Office 365, Windows, Windows 10, Windows365
With this Windows as a service push Microsoft is making AND the fact they have trademarked the name Windows365, I see no reason to believe anyone who says Microsoft is NOT going to make windows a subscription like Office365. Maybe not at first. For those technically...
by wwarren | Mar 22, 2015 | General, Hardware, Microsoft, Windows 10
It was a matter of time. Windows 8 did not present the other lockout problem we thought it would but Windows 10 is much more likely. If you buy a PC from Dell, HP, or anyone else who pre-loads windows you are locked into whatever Version of Windows is installed....
by wwarren | Feb 8, 2015 | Cloud Computing, Microsoft, Office 365, Windows, Windows 10, Windows365
I wish i could fine the article about waaaay back when Office365 was first coming out somebody on the net said windows is headed the same way as office. I said earlier it isn’t a matter of IF it’s a matter of WHEN they take windows to the cloud....
by wwarren | Jan 27, 2015 | Cloud Computing, Microsoft, Windows, Windows 10
Listen to this Windows Weekly podcast: You hear tons about Windows 10 being a free upgrade for one year for consumers. There’s one theme throughout the presentation…Windows as a Service. Let us review something....
by wwarren | Nov 12, 2014 | Cloud Computing, Internet, Microsoft, Security, Security Alerts, Windows
Microsoft has disclosed a potentially catastrophic vulnerability in virtually all versions of Windows. People operating Windows systems, particularly those who run websites, should immediately install a patch Microsoft released Tuesday morning. The vulnerability...
by wwarren | Feb 1, 2014 | Android, Apple, Security, Security Alerts, Smartphone, Windows
People have been getting riled up about the latest Facebook permission. There’s good reason to be concerned. Now the official response: If you add a phone number to your account, this allows us to confirm your phone number automatically by finding the...