by wwarren | Jul 12, 2015 | Cloud Computing, Microsoft, Windows 10, Windows365
There is more read the linked article. I noted a while back twice aobut my misgivings about Windows 10. One is the trademark for Windows 365 and the other is my general feeling about this Free Windows giveaway not smelling right. Unless something comes out from...
by wwarren | Apr 8, 2015 | Cloud Computing, Microsoft, Office 365, Windows, Windows 10, Windows365
With this Windows as a service push Microsoft is making AND the fact they have trademarked the name Windows365, I see no reason to believe anyone who says Microsoft is NOT going to make windows a subscription like Office365. Maybe not at first. For those technically...
by wwarren | Mar 22, 2015 | General, Hardware, Microsoft, Windows 10
It was a matter of time. Windows 8 did not present the other lockout problem we thought it would but Windows 10 is much more likely. If you buy a PC from Dell, HP, or anyone else who pre-loads windows you are locked into whatever Version of Windows is installed....
by wwarren | Feb 8, 2015 | Cloud Computing, Microsoft, Office 365, Windows, Windows 10, Windows365
I wish i could fine the article about waaaay back when Office365 was first coming out somebody on the net said windows is headed the same way as office. I said earlier it isn’t a matter of IF it’s a matter of WHEN they take windows to the cloud....
by wwarren | Jan 27, 2015 | Cloud Computing, Microsoft, Windows, Windows 10
Listen to this Windows Weekly podcast: You hear tons about Windows 10 being a free upgrade for one year for consumers. There’s one theme throughout the presentation…Windows as a Service. Let us review something....