by wwarren | Dec 26, 2022 | Annoucements, Cloud Computing, Security, Security Alerts
There’s tons of stories about the LastPass breech and most of them downlplay things saying your data is encrypted so the vaults getting stolen is not a big deal. Well that’s not true at all. I do not know if folks are purposefully downlplaying or they...
by wwarren | Oct 5, 2022 | Annoucements
in January 2023 i will be updating web1 is virtualmin 7 along with Ubuntu lts 22.01LTS. The biggest change will be the base PHP will upgrade to PHP 8.1 Previous versions will not be installed. Most clients running WordPress should not have any issues. as the time for...
by wwarren | May 5, 2022 | Firewalls, FreeBSD, General, Hardware, Intel, Linux, Open Source, PFSense, Ubiquiti
Well this is for my clients who are curious what I run at y office for my networking:
by wwarren | Apr 13, 2022 | Annoucements, Security, Security Alerts, Services
If you use the elementor plug-in for WordPress to help design your website, it is a source of remote compromise for your website. The word fence security team found the vulnerability and reported it to elementor. A patch has now been released. Etc. Maryland fully...
by wwarren | Mar 8, 2022 | Annoucements
With the current inflationary trends and increased costs across the board, ETC Maryland is announcing fee increases. Effective April 2nd, the base fee will increase to $150/hr. Current clients on all tiers will also see a $25/hr fee increase. This will be the first...
by wwarren | Jan 2, 2022 | Annoucements
ETC Maryland has contracted with Symbiotic Marketing, LLC to create a new website consistent with the official incorporation of Emmanuel Technology Consulting to Emmanuel Technology Consulting, INC. DBA ETC Maryland. YES..the ETC Maryland moniker is official!!! Once...
by wwarren | Dec 13, 2021 | Amazon, Apple, Apple, Cisco, Dell, Firewalls, Google, Hosting, Microsoft, Oracle, Security, Security Alerts, Service Status, Sophos, Ubiquiti, UTM
There is a logging library that is used extensively throughout the Technology industry. It has gotten a security rating of 10 which is very very rare…i personally have not heard of one during my nearly 30 years in this industry. You can see the looooong list...
by wwarren | Dec 9, 2021 | Amazon, Cloud Computing, Hosting, Service Status, Services
ETC Maryland does not run any services on a third party cloud. The one thing the cloud providers don’t tell you is that if you stay with their lower end plans(and most folks do) you are restricted to one zone. WHEN that zone has a have no...
by wwarren | Nov 29, 2021 | Firewalls, Free/TrueNAS, FreeBSD, Hardware, Intel, Linux, Open Source, PFSense, Storage
My friend Erik Mikula death…for a while really took the wind out of my IT sails. I have the server i ordered right before Erik died….and’s been a painful reminder of his sudden removal from this world. I finally came to realize Erik would...
by wwarren | Nov 26, 2021 | Annoucements, Hosting, Services
This client had an update come through and it caused the live audio stream to go offline from the site. If you knew the address you could get to it manually but very few people want to enter a line of obscure code to hear the content they are looking for. This fully...