by wwarren | Aug 2, 2009 | Hardware, Open Source
Windows 7, new laptop designs to converge | Nanotech – The Circuits Blog – CNET News. This should be interesting. In October Windows 7 launches and many hardware vendors are looking to unveil new hardware.
by wwarren | Aug 2, 2009 | Security
Black Hat ® Technical Security Conference: USA 2009 // Archives. This is a huge annual security conference by folks who know a ton more about security than i do..:)
by wwarren | Aug 2, 2009 | Apple, Security
DailyTech – Another Major Mac Computer Security Flaw Discovered. And of course it’s another remote takeover vulnerability. I just posted about how Apple’s arrogance is biting them in the rear.
by wwarren | Aug 2, 2009 | Apple, Open Source, Security
Digital Society » Blog Archive » Apple keyboards hacked and possessed. BSD IS more secure than windows by default but no operating system is immune to stupid implementation. Exposing root or writing applications to run as root but not tell the operator are examples...
by wwarren | Aug 2, 2009 | Linux, Open Source, Security
It is going to be either Astaro or Untangle. Depending on what the clients needs are. Ipfire feels kludgey and ipcop isn’t really designed for modern hardware and is a bit too basic for my needs. Comixwall is a typical Debian distro..if you want to live in...
by wwarren | Aug 2, 2009 | Linux, Open Source
According to the Centos homepage: The CentOS Development team had a routine meeting today with Lance Davis in attendance. During the meeting a majority of issues were resolved immediately and a working agreement was reached with deadlines for remaining unresolved...
by wwarren | Jul 31, 2009 | Linux, Microsoft, Office, Open Source, Security, Windows
Pwnie Award Winners. I like this. It shows that nothing is sacred when it comes to security..:)
by wwarren | Jul 30, 2009 | Open Source, Security
When ‘Big Leaguers’ Get Hacked | threatpost.
by wwarren | Jul 30, 2009 | Microsoft, Open Source, Security
Security Fix – The Growing Threat to Business Banking Online. NO clients of mine that have run Firefox instead of IE and followed my best practices advice have gotten infected with malware. If you don’t get infected online baking is perfectly safe from...
by wwarren | Jul 30, 2009 | Microsoft, Office, Security, Windows
Researcher Shows Killbit is No Defense on MsVidCtl Flaw | threatpost. When you have a technology(Activex) that allows access directly to the kernel there is only one way to secure it..remove it. I have posted about this multiple times. Microsoft it is time for you...