by wwarren | Jul 30, 2009 | Linux, Open Source
For the clients running centos I am going to be researching other alternatives. Right now no servers are in danger of being unable to update. I will keep everyone informed as to how this situation unfolds.
by wwarren | Jul 30, 2009 | Linux
Read this site: Planet CentOS. It turns out the CentOS project is under the control of one person and that person has decided to disappear..for over a year. All monies that got donated did not go to CentOS but to the founding individual. This type of thing can...
by wwarren | Jul 18, 2009 | Open Source
I have relocated this site to a new server. It is actually a virtual machine on a physical server. I have noticed a 50% increase in performance of this site. I hope you enjoy the new speeds.
by wwarren | Jul 18, 2009 | Linux, Open Source, Security
Security issues with sudo « Mihai’s Weblog. I have always thought Ubuntu’s way of locking out direct root access was nonsensical. It now turns out it worse than’s Microsoft-ish.
by wwarren | Jul 13, 2009 | Open Source
Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris? – Computerworld Blogs. I think it’s beyond open Solaris I think it’s also Solaris as well as Mysql and Virtualbox.
by wwarren | Jul 13, 2009 | Microsoft, Office, Security, Security Alerts, Windows
Vulnerability in Microsoft Office Web Components Control Could Allow Remote Code Execution. *sigh* When will ms and others learn? Head to this page for the fix. Head to the fix it for me section and click on the fix it icon under enable workaround. Download and...
by wwarren | Jul 13, 2009 | Microsoft, Office, Open Source, Security
The Complete Guide To Microsoft’s Office 2010. All cloud computing is the re-emergence of the mainframe to terminal model using hte internet as the mainframe. However unlike the mainframe the cloud is inherently insecure(I don’t care what these folks say)...
by wwarren | Jul 11, 2009 | Open Source, Security, Security Alerts, Windows
Microsoft Security Advisory (972890): Vulnerability in Microsoft Video ActiveX Control Could Allow Remote Code Execution. What does this mean? Zero day means the bad guys were exploiting it BEFORE anyone else knew about it. What this flaw menas is that if you...
by wwarren | Jul 11, 2009 | Open Source, Security
Full Disclosure: imageshack – pwned for anti-sec.. They also hit an outfit called SSANZ. Full-Disclosure is not meant to make money. If full disclosure did not exist many security issues would never be known by anyone except the bad buys. Companies like...
by wwarren | Jul 11, 2009 | Open Source
It’s very hard to keep up with things moving as fast as they are. I can relay them verbally faster than typing sometimes. Watch this space for some updates.