The Partitioning Myth

Many folks have not realized that modern filesystems in Windows negate the need for partitions. Back in the 16 bit days when partitions could not exceed 2 gigs or less this was necessary.  Partitioning is a throwback to DOS and in the modern file systems this is...

Carbonite Restore = Fail

I was excited about carbonite.  The backup side works great…the restore is a disaster.  Two days after a server crash and i am waiting on carbonite to give me back my files.  SBS 2008 backup sucks for DR and i was depending on carbonite to save my behind. ...

Microsoft Fixes a Long Time Bug

After CERT warning, Microsoft delivers AutoRun fix | ITworld. It’s about time.  I have been trying to kill U3 forever among other autorun enabled garbage.  ALL ECC managed network will get this patch pushed out to them.
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