by wwarren | Mar 12, 2009 | Hardware, Storage, Windows
Many folks have not realized that modern filesystems in Windows negate the need for partitions. Back in the 16 bit days when partitions could not exceed 2 gigs or less this was necessary. Partitioning is a throwback to DOS and in the modern file systems this is...
by wwarren | Mar 6, 2009 | SBS 2008, Storage, Windows
I have spent the past few days working with level .5 techs(in terms of the knowledge of their own product) trying to get carbonite to restore the data it so willingly allowed me to upload. Nowhere on the site does it mention a 50 gig cap and then they slow you down...
by wwarren | Mar 6, 2009 | Hardware, SBS 2008, Storage, Windows
Luckily mounting the .vhd worked..but not without it’s own issues. The instructions i talked about in my last post forget one thing. The weird filename that the system generates make the vhdmount program barf. I also wound up having to put the files inside...
by wwarren | Mar 5, 2009 | SBS 2008, Windows
If you read my earlier carbonite post it started because i had my server decide it would corrupt itself. I did not catch it for a copule of days which meant my backup had corrupted OS files on it. It turns out you can only restore the entire volume, disk, or...
by wwarren | Mar 5, 2009 | Open Source, SBS 2008, Storage
I was excited about carbonite. The backup side works great…the restore is a disaster. Two days after a server crash and i am waiting on carbonite to give me back my files. SBS 2008 backup sucks for DR and i was depending on carbonite to save my behind. ...
by wwarren | Mar 3, 2009 | Security, Security Alerts
Conficker Collateral Damage for March 2009. This is one side effect of the conficker worm. Since it generates random doains to try to get instructions for if your site is the site of the day you are going to get hammered. On March 13 it will be southwest...
by wwarren | Mar 3, 2009 | Security, Security Alerts
Protecting Against the Rampant Conficker Worm – PC World. It’s called conficker or downandup and it’s another attack against a bad design in the windows system. Conficker affects ALL versions of windows in one form or another. The primary means...
by wwarren | Mar 3, 2009 | Open Source, Security
After CERT warning, Microsoft delivers AutoRun fix | ITworld. It’s about time. I have been trying to kill U3 forever among other autorun enabled garbage. ALL ECC managed network will get this patch pushed out to them.
by wwarren | Feb 6, 2009 | Open Source, Windows 7
Windows 7 exploit secured, say Voles – The Inquirer. Ughhhh..i hope this is a minor tweak. It’s a total non-issue if you don’t run as the amdinistrator…if windows would not set ypu up as admin by default this would not be an...
by wwarren | Feb 6, 2009 | Open Source, Security, Windows 7
Microsoft under spotlight for Windows 7 security ‘flaw’ | IT PRO. Supposedly you can make a script or program that an turn off UAC in Windows 7 without user intervention..except..there’s one have to be an administrator to do it. If you...