by wwarren | Jan 11, 2009 | Open Source, Security
CHR.DarkFiles.US » Blog Archive » Apple Arrogant or Secure. Their arrogance is partially justified due to superior design. The Unix system they use is multi-user by design…unlike windows which is not truly multi user. 90% of everything a user is going to...
by wwarren | Jan 9, 2009 | Windows 7
Right now the MS servers are getting hammered. I’m going to to put this on my notebook and we’ll see how it works..:)
by wwarren | Jan 5, 2009 | Linux, Open Source
linux_timeline.png (PNG Image, 2888×2079 pixels). I found this interesting…enjoy.
by wwarren | Jan 4, 2009 | Open Source, Security
SSL broken! Hackers create rogue CA certificate using MD5 collisions | Zero Day | The sky if falling!!!!! The sky if falling!!!!! There is a ton of heavy breathing going around about this issue and it’s not necessary at all. This is a non-issue for...
by wwarren | Jan 2, 2009 | Linux, Open Source
Startup Founders Turn Android into Desktop OS – PC World. Now this is itneresting. Read on for full details.
by wwarren | Jan 2, 2009 | Vista, Windows
*UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE* 1.) download the latest RC version from 2) Create a shortcut to your OpenVPN GUI file. Right click the shortcut and click properties. Under the ‘Shortcut’ tab. Click ‘advanced’. Check the box that says...
by wwarren | Dec 26, 2008 | SBS 2008
Smart Host using Port 587. I found after some searching and asking at other forums that doing this from the gui console is not really possible. Here’s one of many areas powershell comes into play: Open Exchange Management Shell and start by checking your Send...
by wwarren | Dec 12, 2008 | Security Alerts
There has been a new security issue just discovered. It was only discovered after the bad guys have started using it instead of the good guys figuring it out. If you are not sure if you are running internet explorer if you use AOL, Comcast, Verizon, among others or...
by wwarren | Oct 23, 2008 | Open Source
Welcome to the ECC Blog! This is where you will find various postings I have deemed important or helpful. If you find something of interest please use the contact form to alert me.
by wwarren | Jun 25, 2008 | Open Source
<a href=””>Microsoft extends support life of XP </a> This is no news. The 2014 expiration has been <a...