by wwarren | Nov 8, 2017 | Cloud Computing
Logitech is going to brick their cloud IOT devices under the Harmony Link brand with a software update in March 2018. Your remedy? Logitech gives you a discount on their newest Harmony Hub devices.
by wwarren | Nov 8, 2017 | Security
The instant I saw folks start pandering the absurd theory that China or Russia had financed this attack I knew it was bogus. The problem was a well-known and well published vulnerability in their website that their site(and many other larger websites) used called...
by wwarren | Nov 6, 2017 | Cloud Computing, Internet
I started getting multiple calls about issues on Comcast this afternoon. My initial research showed it was not an IP issue, however dns was not responding on the Comcast network. Comcast has had DNS outages before. I tested my network by switching to Google DNS...
by wwarren | Nov 6, 2017 | AMD, Hardware, Intel
I heard about this more than a year ago. This is one I wanted to sit back on and watch. Sure enough, after many years of futility, Intel has finally decided to stop torturing us with their craptacular graphics drivers that never fully worked and have decided to...
by wwarren | Oct 17, 2017 | Annoucements, Security, Security Alerts, WIFI
*UPDATE* It turns out Linux is especially vulnerable to this vulnerability. this means Android is especially vulnerable. Linux(and by extension Android) can be tricked into using a zero encryption key which means the attacker can easily watch all traffic on that...