ETC Blog, The Tech Resource
It Turns out the “new” features of facebook are even worse than noted before
Your Mom’s Guide to Those Facebook Changes, and How to Block Them. It goes further than i noted in my previous post. Log into FB then you have a uber-tracking/login cookie following you around. Also other applications by friends can still leak your information even...
Facebook Is Becoming More of a Security Issue
Facebook Further Reduces Your Control Over Personal Information | Electronic Frontier Foundation. Facebook is slowly making everything you do there public. Here's another step towards Facebook no longer giving you control over anything.
More Facebook Hoaxes…This Time Farmville
Please folks. Please don't post these hoaxes. there is no virus for farmville. IF you get a popup that you don't normally see check YOUR's not farmville. Call a professional to scan your system please.
Get Ready for Office 2010
Office 2010 is the typical Microsoft release. If you already have the previous edition of their office suite, upgrading is purely a choice of preference. If you are running older generations of Office it's really a good idea. If you are looking to purchase Office...
The new way to virtualize
Xsigo Virtual I/O Blog. One thing that holds virtualization back has been for each vm you needed a network cable. Xsigo makes it two per server..period. Nice.
Newegg says fake processors are demos…..wrong.
- Newegg Sticks with "demo boxes" - Intel Counters | [H]ard|OCP. Continuing on the earlier story which has really exploded Intel has come out and said these are total fakes. Demos are units Intel sends to partners and vendors to try out and design things for. These...
N.Y. Firm Faces Bankruptcy from $164,000 E-Banking Loss — Krebs on Security
The blame here is not online banking but the operating system(Windows) faulty design and the users lack of proper security education. ANY business no matter how small needs to have a security audit done: 1. To make sure your machines aren't infected 2. To get...
Time to Re-evalute My Recommendations
Third-party drives not permitted on Gen 11 servers. Dell in their newest RAID cards are actively blocking "non-Dell Certified" hard disks. This means if you don't use a "Dell Drive" the controller won't allow it to operate. Considering the markup on "Dell" drives...
Time to Block DLL’s at the firewall.
Computer Security Research - McAfee Labs Blog. This is an expansion of the most recent IE exploit. Now comes the analysis. Allowing a system level file for windows(in this case a dll) be executable without any kind of security context is a really bad idea. That's...
IE Opens Your System to Baddies again. Video of Exploit online. Breathe deeply and say: Firefox, Chrome
This was an exploit form back in ie6. It is present in all version up to 8. mshtml.dll once again has a major issue that allows remote sites to take over your machine. If you are running ie6, ie7, or ie8 you are vulnerable. HOWEVER if you have DEP turned on for ie...
NewsFactor Network | MagicJack’s Next Act: Disappearing Cell Phone Fees
NewsFactor Network | MagicJack's Next Act: Disappearing Cell Phone Fees. If MajicJack doesn't get sued out of existence this is an excellent value..that means you can drop your plan back since you won't be using as many minutes. If it only worked for CDMA phones then...
There’s more than one Admin Easter Egg in Windows 7..:)
{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} {00C6D95F-329C-409a-81D7-C46C66EA7F33} {0142e4d0-fb7a-11dc-ba4a-000ffe7ab428} {025A5937-A6BE-4686-A844-36FE4BEC8B6D} {05d7b0f4-2121-4eff-bf6b-ed3f69b894d9} {1206F5F1-0569-412C-8FEC-3204630DFB70}...
AMD Does FAKERIAD or FRIAD on a chip. Just like most chipset based “RAID” solutions.
AMD Does RAID On a Chip - This thing is FRAID or software raid. It's no better than ICHx or any other chipset based "raid" system. When you see somehting like this: Dot Hill's RAIDCore technology enables host-based RAID 0, 1, 5, 10...
More Railing aginst a non-existent monopoly
He said that with 70 per cent of the US market for Internet search, Google is the gateway to the Internet. How it tweaks its proprietary search algorithms can ensure a business's success or doom it to failure. via Consumer group calls for google breakup - The...
Office 2010, SharePoint 2010 go RTM..time for all your off 2003 and under users to move.
Office 2010, SharePoint 2010 go RTM.
Why does Google Chrome nail my cpu’s?
This is by design. Chrome is multi-threaded and will distribute all aspects of the site(especially audio and video) across of all of your cores it can. This leads to high intensity sites NOT getting slow or having issues provided your bandwidth holds up. I have...
It’s time to move to Windows 7
Microsoft has put out a winner this time. I have been running Windows 7 since the first beta. It runs perfectly on my old 1.6 ghz celeron notebook with 2 gigs of ram. Vista on the same machine was a horrid experience(yes Vista is that bad). The conventional wisdom...
MIcrosoft Exchange and Outlook may have met their match » Stay in Sync with GCal and Thunderbird.. I have converted two of my domains to gmail via Google apps. I am now using Thunderbird via Secured IMAP to check my e-mail for those accounts. I also now have access to my business e-mail from my phone...
Legal Action Threatened by Processor Distributor Over Obvious Fake Intel CPU’s
Legal Action Threatened by Processor Distributor | Overclockers. It's not D&H's fault but their upstream.
Yahoo’s Search to Become More Useless
It's very simple. Yahoo is abandoning their search. All of their search results are going to come from Bing. How bad is Bing? I can search Microsoft's site with Google faster, with more accuracy, and more relevance than Bing can hope for.
As if the IE vulnerability wasn’t enough
Full Disclosure: Microsoft Windows NT #GP Trap Handler Allows Users to Switch Kernel Stack. If you honestly believed Vista or 7 was a total rewrite because Microsoft said so this issue blows that straight out of the water. This is code from back in the nt.x days. ...
Praetorian Prefect | Using Group Policy to Disable JavaScript in Adobe PDF Files
Praetorian Prefect | Using Group Policy to Disable JavaScript in Adobe PDF Files. This is also a good idea. Adobe right now is having all kinds of JavaScript issues. Killing JavaScript across the entire network is a good idea.
Puyocon – A ball-shaped controller you can squeeze, throw, and roll : DigInfo
If this thing ever makes it to market I can see a HUUUUUUGE market for it. YouTube - Puyocon - A ball-shaped controller you can squeeze, throw, and roll : DigInfo.
ZFS – Loads of Neat Features Like Native Deduplication
ZFS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. I am going to look into this more. This feature alone would allow storage admins to better utilize storage space. Right now it's only available on FreeBSD 8.0 and Solaris. I may have to fire up a BSD VM on a dedicated drive...
[H]ard|OCP – Windows 7 Tip of the Day: God Mode
Want a good way to access all the control panel options in Windows 7 in one easy location? Simply make a folder on your desktop and rename it GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} and you are all set. This handy tip was brought to you by [H] reader Edward...