by wwarren | Feb 24, 2010 | Microsoft, Office, Open Source, Security, Windows
The blame here is not online banking but the operating system(Windows) faulty design and the users lack of proper security education. ANY business no matter how small needs to have a security audit done: 1. To make sure your machines aren’t infected 2. To get...
by wwarren | Feb 18, 2010 | Microsoft, Open Source
It’s very simple. Yahoo is abandoning their search. All of their search results are going to come from Bing. How bad is Bing? I can search Microsoft’s site with Google faster, with more accuracy, and more relevance than Bing can hope for.
by wwarren | Jan 11, 2010 | Open Source
NewsFactor Network | MagicJack’s Next Act: Disappearing Cell Phone Fees. If MajicJack doesn’t get sued out of existence this is an excellent value..that means you can drop your plan back since you won’t be using as many minutes. If it only worked...
by wwarren | Jan 7, 2010 | Hardware, Open Source, Storage
ZFS – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. I am going to look into this more. This feature alone would allow storage admins to better utilize storage space. Right now it’s only available on FreeBSD 8.0 and Solaris. I may have to fire up a BSD VM on a...
by wwarren | Dec 15, 2009 | Linux, Open Source
I am not normally a fan of anything gov’t but this time the VA has developed a system for electronic health records that is well-rounded, stable, highly customizable, has tons of features into which more can be added, and is recognized as a great package. ...
by wwarren | Nov 29, 2009 | Microsoft, Open Source, Vista, Windows, Windows 7
Windows 7 – Performance Improvements. Wayne gets overenthusiastic though saying it’s faster than XP. There’s no way that’s true as i have run both on my notebook and my quad core desktop. XP is still quicker than 7 but ANYTHING is faster than...