by wwarren | Apr 5, 2011 | Cloud Computing, Internet, Security, Security Alerts
Everyone using Intuit products get ready for fake scam e-mails and even more spam. Online Security Center: Security alerts.
by wwarren | Apr 5, 2011 | Internet, Security, Security Alerts
The List Gets Longer and Longer. Hope you have really good spam filters. And the hits just keep on coming for Epsilon (update: over 40 cos. affected) | Office of Inadequate Security.
by wwarren | Apr 4, 2011 | Cloud Computing, Internet, Security
I’m not technology researcher. I’m not a technical writer either. I am merely talking from years of field experience. Technology has a curious history. We have these giant leaps forward then in an instant as if we are scared to death we jump nearly the...
by wwarren | Apr 4, 2011 | Cloud Computing, Security, Security Alerts
Hit the below link to see more and more companies disclosing about the breach. I’m hearing rumors that Verizon was hit. It seems the top fortune 50 or even 100 used the same company. I’m only available for a short time to post this…watch later...
by wwarren | Apr 2, 2011 | Cloud Computing, Internet, Security, Security Alerts
This is what is in store for “the cloud”. All the criminals have to do is breach the cloud provider and much more damaging things are available than just e-mail addresses. “Cloud computing” is nothing more than client/mainframe 2.0....
by wwarren | Apr 2, 2011 | Internet, Security, Security Alerts
The List of Companies is long and getting longer. Please read the linked article. Spammers Target Kroger Customers — Krebs on Security.
by wwarren | Mar 30, 2011 | Linux, Microsoft, Open Source, SBS2011, Server 2008, Windows
Short Answer: No. Why do I say this? If you are already running SBS2008 there is no compelling reason to upgrade. SBS2011 is based upon Server 2008R2. This version of Windows server goes out of primary support in 2014. This means the newest SBS server...
by wwarren | Mar 30, 2011 | Microsoft, SBS2011, Server 2008, Windows
Are unreal. minimum is 8 gigs and they say they really want 10. I can say that if you want to deploy the system and have room for usage without having to upgrade the ram very quickly start with 16 gigs of ram. Hard disk space is very large. I can tell you right...
by wwarren | Mar 30, 2011 | DOS, Microsoft, Windows
I finally got my Technet access working and i can’t believe this..i can download DOS and windows 3.x. Needless to say I’ll be downloading these to add to my archives because I have actually run into machines running these operating and i needed the...
by wwarren | Mar 30, 2011 | AT&T, Vendors
Not only are ATT and Tmobile customers getting hammered in the upcoming merger but land line customers are about to get hammered as well. Some of the regs are legal.. just not ethical. Several users have written in to note that AT&T is sending out...